Overall objective of the project

The main objectives of this project are: 

(1) To document and characterize in detail and systematically the food evolution of the Paraguayan population; 

(2) Improve the design and improve the political efficiency aimed at improving the health and nutritional status of the Paraguayan population; 

(3) Build capacity at the national level in the measurement and monitoring of nutrition results in the national and international context.


Finalized 100%

In 2016, the ID in association with Kenact LLC (USA) presented to the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) the proposal of associative research Nutritional Transition in Paraguay: Where are we? Synthesis of the Evolution of the Nutritional Situation of Urban and Rural Households and Implications for Health and Nutrition Policies, within the Paraguayan Program for the Development of Science and Technology (PROCIENCIA), which was approved by CONACYT and began its implementation in January 2017. The objective of PROCIENCIA is to strengthen national capacities for scientific research and technological development, so as to contribute to increasing productive capacity, competitiveness and improving living conditions in Paraguay.

Specific objectives

  1. To document the evaluation of nutritional diversity in urban, rural and departmental households;
  2. To document the evolution of Anthropometry Indicators in urban, rural and departmental populations;
  3. To document the evolution of the relationship between Socio-Economic and Demographic Indicators, Nutritional and Anthropometric and identify risk factors;
  4. Analyze the relationship between agricultural biodiversity and nutritional diversity of urban and rural households;
  5. Measure the Impact of Food Price Volatility;
  6. Identify opportunities and challenges for food and health interventions;
  7. Raise awareness and promote dialogue and knowledge about nutrition.

Expected products

  1. General nutritional monitoring tool. Specifically: Implementation of a valid nutritional monitoring tool to detect situations of risk of malnutrition and associated health problems and to be freely accessible to the public.
  2. Public goods of knowledge and information generated. In particular: production of a general report with open access to the public that summarizes the principles findings of the project and of technically rigorous articles that address topics related to nutrition/health in depth.
  3. Awareness-raising and dialogue and research promoted around the importance of nutrition for health and well-being and its relationship with demographic and socio-economic factors.
  4. Valid antecedents that serve as a basis for policies related to the nutrition and health of the Paraguayan population generated.
  5. Scientific and technological capacity installed in the academic and technical community, through the conduct of research and the training of professionals in the area of nutritional analysis, with the participation of international experts in the area of nutrition and health.

Results of the investigation

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This projects is financed by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT), with resources of FEEI.

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